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Shade of the Trees

"Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees." These are the final words of General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson as he led his men into battle. This declaration inspired the breathtaking song "Better Angels" on Storyhill's powerful album Shade of the Trees (Red House Records). With just their guitars and alluring harmonies, Storyhill (Chris Cunningham and John Hermanson) puts forth a haunting and spare acoustic record of old-fashioned story songs about love, war and the many sorrows that accompany them.

Shade of the Trees


MP3/320 $8.00 $10.00
FLAC $9.60 $12.00
WAV $9.60 $12.00
CD $12.00 $15.00

Track Listing

Better Angels
Well of Sorrow
Caught in a Mess
Cover Your Tracks
World Go Round
A Town Talks
Dangerous Weapon
Pieces of Love