One of the busiest and most-requested vocalists on the competitive Los Angeles studio scene, Kate Markowitz has recorded and performed with such luminaries as James Taylor, Shawn Colvin, k.d. lang, Lyle Lovett, Billy Joel, and many, many others. While she is best known to industry insiders and fellow musicians as a superbly empathetic back-up vocalist and harmony singer, Markowitz has quietly but diligently pursued a simultaneous career as a songwriter and solo performer.
Map of the World is the debut of Kate Markowitz, freestanding artist. Subtle musical sophistication offset by an endearingly honest and forthright lyrical approach places Map of the World in a proud lineage of classic West Coast adult pop. With special appearances by some of L.A.’s finest musicians (and a few of Kate’s illustrious employers), Markowitz’s debut is a special event – the public unveiling of one of contemporary pop’s best-kept secrets.
Special guests include Luis Conte, Shawn Colvin, Russ Kunkel, James Taylor, and Andrea Zonn.