In a musical career spanning 35 years, from the heady days with Irish musical trailblazers Tir Na Nog, which landed him on the biggest stages in the world, to the truly fantastic Scullion, numerous solo albums, to his current incarnation with the band Radar, Sonny Condell is recognized as one of Ireland's greatest songwriters. Originally released in 1977 on Mulligan Records, Camouflage was Condell’s solo debut and is now regarded as a standard in Irish music. Camouflage showcases Condell’s formidable abilities on the acoustic guitar, saxophone, percussion and as a vocalist, and the album features guest musicians Paul Barrett (trombone), Greg Boland (acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar), Fran Breen (drums, percussion), Ciaran
Brennan (double bass), Brian Dunning (flutes), Jolyon Jackson (keyboards, cello), and Rosemary Taylor (backup vocals).