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Ad Vielle Que Pourra

The subtitle is New French Folk Music, but could easily read "some of the most stirring and emotional traditional music that you will ever hear". With this, their debut album, Ad Vielle Que Pourra rocked the folk music scene with interpretations of French and Breton music with an intensity that is rarely heard. With combinations of diatonic accordion, bombarde, fiddle, hurdy-gurdy, Flemish bagpipes, etc., you cannot help but be moved by their bourees, polkas, waltzes, and so much more. A Gallic feast.

Ad Vielle Que Pourra

Ad Vielle Que Pourra

MP3/320 $7.50 $10.00
CD $11.25 $15.00

Track Listing

Schottische Du Stockfish
Malloz Ar Barz Koz O Vervel
Chupad Melen/Hanterdro Tid' Poc'h
L'Agacante/Valse Du Milieu/Valse Du Faucigny
La Pucelle D'Ussel
Les Filles De France
Suite De Gavottes Evit Leroux
Bourrees Dans Le Jardin
Polkas Ratees
Valse Des Coquelicots/Java Niaise
Fillettes Des Campagnes
An Dro Pitaouer/An Dro Evit Jakeza
La Malfaissante