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A Heart Made Of Glass

A long overdue and much awaited recording from an exquisite guitarist and singer. Dáithí Sproule’s list of credits is most impressive: member of Altan and Trian (simultaneously!), former member of Bowhand and Skara Brae, frequent playing partner to Tommy Peoples, the McGuire Brothers, and Sean O’Driscoll, among many others. Nonetheless, he’s saved some of his tastiest licks and choicest songs for this, his first-ever solo recording. With Liz Carroll and Peter Ostroushko.

A Heart Made Of Glass

Dáithí Sproule

MP3/320 $7.50 $10.00
CD $11.25 $15.00

Track Listing

Lonely Waterloo
The Turkish Revery
Gabham Molta Bride
Patty's Tune
The Bold Belfast Shoemaker
The Banks Of Claudy
Gleanntain Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair
The House Carpenter
The Beaver Brig
The Bonny Bunch Of Roses
Cailin Na Gruaige Doinne/Little Star