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An Nollaig: An Irish Christmas

Eileen Ivers’ recording credits include over 100 contemporary and traditional albums and numerous movie scores. She’s been called a "sensation" by Billboard Magazine and the "Jimi Hendrix of the violin" by The New York Times. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Ivers has been deeply rooted in traditional Irish music since the age of eight. Her latest CD, An Nollaig: An Irish Christmas, features traditional carols, holiday favorites, and dance tunes that were lovingly passed down through the generations.

An Nollaig: An Irish Christmas

Eileen Ivers

MP3/320 $7.50 $10.00
FLAC $9.00 $12.00
WAV $9.00 $12.00
CD $11.25 $15.00

Track Listing

Hark the Herald Angels Sing
The Wexford Carol
Christmas Eve / Oiche Nollag / High Road to Lincoln (Reels)
The Time is Approaching
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Don Oiche Ud I mBeithill
The Holly Tree
Apples in Winter / Frost is All Over / A Merry Christmas (Jigs)
Christmas Time is Here
O Holy Night