Colin Hay first landed on American shores as the front man and principal songwriter of the pop sensation Men at Work. With Hay’s wry songs and burnished vocals leading the way, they were responsible for a series of massive hits, such as “Down Under,” “Who Can It Be Now?” and “Overkill,” that defined pop music of the early eighties. Since Men at Work’s demise, Hay has released a series of solo albums, reunited his old band with astonishing success, and watched as his songs continue to connect with new fans the world over through his musical appearances on the hit TV shows Scrubs, JAG, and The Larry Sanders Show.
This is a re-issue of his 1992 album Peaks & Valleys, the follow up to 1990’s Wayfaring Sons. It marked the start of Colin’s now widely successful singer/songwriter phase—no band here, just Hay and his acoustic guitar. An engaging collection of classic acoustic songwriter pop from Colin Hay, Peaks & Valleys demonstrates that Hay’s melodic skills have not left him.