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Gathering Pace

The brilliant follow-up to the award-winning debut album by this ground-breaking Celtic quartet of Bothy Band/Silly Wizard members. Relativity delivers five songs and four instrumental sets with immediate and immeasurable impact.

Gathering Pace


MP3/320 $7.50 $10.00
CD $11.25 $15.00

Track Listing

Gathering Pace
Blackwell Court/Highland Laddie/Gillies' Taxis/The Double Rise
Rosc Catha Na Mumhan
Miss Tara MacAdam/The First Train To Kyle
Ma Theid Tu Un Aonaigh
Siún Ní Dhuibhir
When She Sleeps
Said Johnny To Molly
The Monday Morning Reel/Cutting A Slide/Robert The Minnow/Hogties' Reel
Ceol Anna/A Ribhinn Of Bheil Cuimhn Agad