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Cowboy Celtic

Irishmen and Scots who had been drovers back in The Ould Sod found work as cowboys in the American West. On this classic best seller, David Wilkie adorns cowboy songs with tin whistles, fiddle, and harp, driving them back to the Celtic home range!

Cowboy Celtic

David Wilkie

MP3/320 $7.50 $10.00
FLAC $9.00 $12.00
WAV $9.00 $12.00
CD $11.25 $15.00

Track Listing

In the Tap Room-The Banshee... The Trail to Mexico-
Little Joe, the Wrangler
The Lily of the West
Custer Died a Runnin'-Off 'til Monday-Garry Owen
Lady in Green
The Colorado Trail
I'd Like to Be in Texas When They Round up in the Spring-The Maid Behind the Bar
Tempting the Salmon to Come to the Fly
Down by the Brazos
Goodbye, Old Paint-Leavin' Cheyenne-The Strawberry Roan-Whoopee Ti Yi Yo, Git Along Little Dogies
The Gal I Left Behind Me
Annie Laurie